Hong Kong electronic music organisation PUSH are celebrating their seventh anniversary with a very special night at the W Hotel featuring Chinese underground electronic music icon ELVIS.T
The Taipei-born Elvis has been the main face of the Chinese techno movement for years, most closely associated with Beijing's influential Lantern Club and its offshoot label, Acupuncture Records.
Elvis has been DJing since 1988 and has been producing electronic music since 2001. He has now returned under the new name “h_w_a” and is performing a nationwide tour to celebrate the release of the new EP titled "Mod", which shows he continues to push the envelope in China's techno scene.
After years of blowing minds around China and Europe with his DJ sets, Elvis has recently branching out into live modular performances and played an unforgettable set for China's first Boiler Room session in 2016.
Since being established in 2009, the artists PUSH have bought to Hong Kong are pretty much a Who’s Who of the global electronic underground elite, including Ben Klock, Dixon, Ame, Dave Clarke, Roman Flugel, Ben UFO, Pan-Pot and Carl Craig.
Join us on February 11 as Elvis, PUSH residents Frankie Lam and AKW, and special guests Taku Hirayama and Anthony2 celebrate seven years of heavy tunes, crazy late nights, ringing ears, and love and respect for the local scene.
香港電子音樂組織"PUSH"將於今年二月十一日在Woobar (W 酒店)慶祝成立七週年派對. 到時除了創辦人Frankie Lam和AKW之外,還特別邀請了著名台籍Techno DJ/Producer ELVIS T作當晚的headline Guest DJ. 另外,本地方面,亦有日籍DJ Taku Hirayama (Junktion/Oma)及Anthony2 (ASquared)坐陣。
h_w_a aka ELVIS.T
在2016年的首場Boiler Room中國站中驚艷亮相的知名Techno音樂人ELVIS.T,做為國內少數以純硬件模塊合成器系統進行Live表演的藝術家,用他凶狠,黑暗的Modern Techno之聲將Techno音樂的現場體驗和製作方式推向了全新的高度,也填補了國內這一音樂風格領域的空白。在2016年末,他以新名字h_w_a歸來,帶著更為複雜和精心設計的完整模塊系統,即將在燃音樂發表首張7"黑膠EP"Mod", 並隨之展開全國巡演。�
出生於台北,98 年开始 DJ 生涯。 06年以ELVIS.T為名活躍於北京和上海等城市。身為Acupuncture Records,Lantern Club和Intro Festival的發起人之一,對於中國甚至亞洲的電子音樂發展有著巨大的影響。
2010 年,ELVIS.T 荣膺全球首席城市生活指南杂志北京版最佳 DJ 称号; 2011,2015 年又再获杂志北京最佳 DJ 称号。
创作灵感丰富的他亦有多首作品受到 英国、 德国、日本、 瑞士等海外厂牌青睐而发行。2013年以化名Technetium的名义发表的单曲Holzig登上了英國著名電子音樂網站Juno Download 排名第18位, 并得到了电子音乐权威网站Resident Advisor的特别推荐。
"PUSH"自2009年成立至今的七年以來,帶給香港樂迷無數的世界級DJ派對如Ben Klock, Dixon, Ame, Dave Clarke, Roman Flugel, Ben UFO, Pan-Pot and Carl Craig…等,於近年香港的電子音樂發展佔一重要地位。
PUSH x Woobar present
The PUSH 7th anniversary party featuring
h_w_a (aka ELVIS.T) (DOT Records, Beijing)
Frankie Lam (PUSH)
Taku Hirayama (Junktion/Oma)
Anthony2 (ASquared)
Sat Feb 11, from 10pm
Woobar, W Hong Kong
Door HK$150
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