4-day workshop - Awakening the Illuminated Heart - Hong Kong - English / Cantonese
Date and time: 16. - 19. february 2017, 9.30 - 19.00
Location: Inner Space, Hong Kong
»We are the ones we have been waiting for.«
"We are living in a time of immense changes which are occuring on all levels – Mother Earth is changing her vibration, our collective consciousness is shifting faster than ever...
It is important to find that place within ourselves, to pass through these times with love and strength which has always been within us (and which we have just forgotten about).
The Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop’s purpose is to help you remember who you really are and what you are really capable of. How to overcome the limiting beliefs and reach an even higher state of consciousness. How to access and use the eternal wisdom of your heart, instead of what your brain is trying to make you believe. How to take back your power and activate your amazing divine self. Because that is what you truly are."
“Awakening the Illuminated Heart” is a workshop, where we remember who we really are, how to create from the Heart and how to activate the natural Merkaba (our Lightbody)".
There are many benefits of attending this workshop. Here are some of them:
Remember who you really are and what you are really capable of.
Heal your traumas, emotional hurts, resentments.
Experience the incredible power of forgiving from your heart.
Shift from fear to Love.
Remember your own light body, your Merkaba and activate it, to bring it to it's full potential.
Activate the beams of light around your head and the Golden Halo.
Remember how to communicate with your Higher part of coisciousness.
Tap into the world of inner Imagery with School of Imagery exercises.
Shift from manifesting from duality to Heart manifestation from Unity.
Learn how to create and live the life of happiness and bliss.
Workshop schedule:
♦ First day (aprox. 9:00 am – 7:00 pm) – Remembering the Heart
On the first day of the ATIH workshop you will be introduced to the School of Remembering, and will find out how this workshop came to be. You will learn about the cycles of the Universe and the fall of consciousness, which happened 13.000 years ago.
After a beautiful and very special Angel ceremony, which will prepare you for what you will learn, experience and heal in the next days of the workshop. During the rest of the day, you will receive the knowledge about the Merkaba, Sacred geometry, Fractal universe and the Sacred space of the heart.
In preparation for the next few days, we will also share exercises of the Blue School of Imagery® through images and intent of Claudette Melchizedek.
♦ Second day (aprox. 9:00 am – 7:00 pm) – The Healing Day
Second day is a very special day, it is the healing of the Heart.
Through the information you will recieve, you will be able to understand your own limiting beliefs and the limiting beliefs of humanity. And you will remember how to overcome them and rise in consciousness and understanding.
You will begin to understand just how powerful you really are and what you are really capable of. You will remember, how Sound, Vibration, Geometry, Numbers and Colors are interconnected and are actualy the same.
On this day you will be able to experience the incredible power of unconditional love and healing from the heart.
Any emotional traumas and blockages which are ready to be released, will be healed through the ancient way of Healing of the Heart.
♦ Third day (aprox. 9:00 am – 7:00 pm) – The Day of Returning to Your heart
At the beginning of this day we will finish with the healing which has started on the second day with Healing in the Pyramid.
After that, you will be lead through some wonderful excersises which will give you a deeper understanding and experience of living in your Heart. You will learn how to use and trust your inner senses, how to see beyond polarity and beyond ego.
In the afternoon we will be reconnecting through our Hearts and Remembering - through ancient exercises of Sufi mystical tradition.
We will enter into our Sacred space of the Heart and we will re-unite with our Higher-Self.
Later in the day you will learn how to create from your Heart – you will receive all the knowledge necessary for you to create the life you really want.
When you will think the day is almost over, you will have one more exciting thing to learn and experience: you will learn how to activate the Beams of Light around your head and turn them into a Halo, just like the one Buddha or Jesus had.
♦ Fourth day (aprox. 9:00 am – 7:00 pm) – The Merkaba Day
On the last day of the workshop you are going to receive the knowledge about your own light body, your Merkaba. You will remember how to activate it and how to use it in your daily life.
You will also receive practical information on how to program your Merkaba and how to create an External Merkaba.
This is a completely new method of activating the Merkaba from the Heart, while performing the Tantra of the Heart. The way of activating a synthetical Merkaba, as described in Drunvalo's Flower of Life books , has now become obsolete and is no longer useful for balanced ascension.
Love has a power that has long been forgotten. A power so strong that it created the Universe in which we live & move around in.
IT IS YOUR HEART THAT CONTAINS THE ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS OF LIFE, and when your Heart is again in control of our life, life responds with Joy and power.
Through the practice of methods taught in the ‘Awakening the Illuminated Heart’ workshops, you are given the opportunity to greatly deepen your path of awakening to your true nature, your true being. When this workshop is completed, you’ll have the inner tools to truly begin the ascension process.
And so you will be ready for the upcoming changes.
So come and join us, let’s ride the waves of ascension together into a new reality of Unity Consciousness.
Time: 9:30 - 19:00
Course Fee: HK$6600
Teacher: Lu Ka
Language: English with Cantonese translation
Enquiries and Registration:
inner space | 3689 9379 | info@innerspacehk.com
《喚醒明亮的心工作坊》是由《生命之花靈性法則》及《從心覺醒》作者 Drunvalo Melchizedek 所創辦的School of Remembering® 最新開設的課程。
這四天工作坊內容, 是Drunvalo集合過去之十多年教導和研究之精萃所在。導師會帶領學員,藉由不同練習進入“心之神聖空間”喚起“我是誰”的記憶。並與“生命的源頭”連結, 覺察我們的內在世界有如外在世界一樣真實。
~ 開展“心之神聖空間”之旅
~ 進入“心之微細空間”並與生命源頭連結
~ 開啟眉心輪 (第三眼)
~ 從“心”創造全新的宇宙
~ 啟動人類發光體梅爾卡巴並將它注入心之神聖空間
在這覺醒時刻, 讓我們一同從心生活;從心創造;從心覺醒, 開展揚升之旅。
收費: HK$6,600
語言: 英語授學附廣東話翻譯支援
導師: Lu Ka
inner space | 3689 9379 | info@innerspacehk.com
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