17.02.2017 (五) 晚上7:30 – 8:45
=== 表達自由 — 與港大法律系教授對談 ===
我們特別邀請到香港大學法律學院 Scott Veitch教授及陳秀慧副教授跟我們一同探討有關議題。關心香港未來的你和妳,絕對不容錯過是次活動!
語言: 英語,歡迎參加者在問答環節以廣東話或英語發言。
立即登記: https://www.ticketflap.com/amnesty-carnival
17.02.2017 (FRI) 7:30 – 8:45 pm
=== Dialogue between Prof. Scott Veitch and Cora Chan on Freedom of Expression ===
The discussion will cover the scope and limits of freedom of expression, why it might be important to protect such freedoms, what threats there to freedom of expression, and the limits and potentials of the law in protecting such freedoms. The dialogue will draw on recent controversies over the expression of pro-independence viewpoints, the Causeway Bay bookseller incident, politically sensitive art works, as well as concerns over Article 23 legislation.
Language: English (Discussion); English or Cantonese (Q&A)
Register NOW: https://www.ticketflap.com/amnesty-carnival
關於 16-26 / 2 / 2017
展覽由國際特赦組織香港分會舉辦,著名藝術策展人 Caroline Ha Thuc 策劃。我們期望透過一連串藝術及教育活動,向公眾宣傳捍衛表達自由的重要性。
About 16-26 / 2 / 2017
Curated by Hong Kong-based French curator Caroline Ha Thuc, is Amnesty International Hong Kong’s art project which aims to promote freedom of expression through a series of art and educational activities.
seeks to serve as a platform for artists to incorporate educational elements into their artistic endeavors. Through organising workshops in different forms, including photography, yoga, dance, poetry, movie, music and handicraft, participants can explore the relationship between human rights, arts and education.
#AmnestyCarnival #FreedomOfExpression #Art4Amnesty
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