Touted by Newsweek as “the man bringing Chinese science fiction to the West,” Ken Liu is one of the most original sci-fi/fantasy writers of his generation. His short stories have won a Nebula, two Hugos and a World Fantasy Award, and his Hugo Award-winning translation of Liu Cixin’s The Three-Body Problem counts Barack Obama and Mark Zuckerberg among its many fans. In this talk, Liu will discuss with moderator Genevieve Hilton his body of work, his “silkpunk” fantasy aesthetic (which envisions alternate technologies inspired by East Asian antiquity) and his translation of Chinese science fiction.
劉宇昆是當代最創新的科幻作家之一,被《新聞週刊》稱為「引領中國科幻作品衝出海外的作家」。他的短篇故事屢獲殊榮,包括星雲獎、兩個雨果獎和世界奇幻獎。劉宇昆翻譯的《三體》(劉慈欣著)獲雨果獎並吸引了眾多書迷,其中有美國總統奧巴馬及臉書創辦人Mark Zuckerberg。劉宇昆將會與主持人Genevieve Hilton討論他的作品、他中西薈萃的「絲綢朋克」 奇幻風格以及翻譯中文科幻小說的過程。
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